By the way, in Honey Select there are many models that could decorate DOA. And this is not the fault or merit of Roy12, just the HS is done differently and complete similarity is difficult to achieve. Sometimes its only by details of clothes or hairstyles that you can tell who is before you. But the quality of models is noticeably lower to their originals in the DOA. I remember how much time I spent trying to understand without a translator why this section of the editor is needed. Can apply Macros to adjust bone slider ingame without doing by txt editing.
Honey Select is sooooo amazing, tons of clothes you can pick for your own characters, you have to check it out! Illusion is the game's company My favourite kick boxing fighting gal. Since you made it here you've probably come across something I've worked on. Yes, there are probably hundreds of sexy animations and those are interactive with user's action. You can use TAB to adjust the height of character in main game. ※ Download: ?dl&keyword=honey+select+mods+clothes&source=